6x3 - Ultom Collection

Ultom office program

6x3 - Ultom office program

The new 6x3 world, furniture designed for your ergonomic workplace, making the most efficient use of available space.
Technology and aesthetics have never been so close, and with a contemporary touch thanks to 6x3. 
Enjoy your trip through the 6x3 world, to get the very best out of your new office!

6X3 meets all the needs of the modern office, great coherence of the system, based on simple and essential shapes, large range of alternatives and ability to grasp gently the users’ wishes.
New coordinates that transform the office space and the way of living it, starting from the modularity of the storage units up to the strong aesthetic impact as an expressive code.

Elements of the 6x3 Program:

  • Operative desks
  • Executive desks
  • Meeting tables
  • Drawers
  • Storage units
  • Accessories

Consult the attachment section to view the 6x3 Program elements and the finishes.

Contact us for more informations on 6x3 program.
We'll be happy to help you choosing a single element or a complete project: from the furniture, to the flooring to the lighting system.

Ultom Collection - Designed for those environments where is required service and neutrality.


Special Price €320.15 €262.42 Regular Price €426.87
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